Obama’s White House photographer trolls Trump after FBI director gets fired


Former White House photographer Pete Souza has a social media weapon, and he really likes to use it to troll President Donald Trump.

Shortly after news broke that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, Souza went to Instagram to express his opinions on the matter. While plenty of people roast Trump on a daily basis, Souza’s burns tend to be done with an indirect tact that leaves his followers wanting more.

SEE ALSO: Obama’s White House photographer at it again, but this time with a bittersweet #TBT

Every person in this photograph is a patriot.

A post shared by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on Read more…

More about Watercooler, Instagram, Donald Trump, James Comey, and Pete Souza

The Daily Show’s response to Trump firing the FBI director is absolutely perfect


When the White House announced that President Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey in the middle of the bureau’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russian operatives, the internet went, predictably, absolutely berserk.

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The four-sentence statement from Press Secretary Sean Spicer included the nugget that the firing was based on “clear recommendations” from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. (Yes, the same Sessions who was forced to recuse himself from the FBI’s probe into the Trump campaign’s contact with Russia because he’d misled congress about that very matter during his confirmation hearings.) Read more…

More about Twitter, Election 2016, Donald Trump, Reactions, and Fbi

Scared, lonely and confused: What concussions inflict upon NFL legends


Nick Buoniconti is an NFL legend. He was a defensive star on the 1972 Miami Dolphins, still the only team to go undefeated and win the Super Bowl in the same season. 

Buoniconti, of course, is still a legend — legends never die, as the saying goes. But he’s declined precipitously over the past few years, following 14 seasons of big hits and playing through pain as a pro football demigod.

That decline — equal parts harrowing and heart-breaking — is the focus of a long, painstakingly intimate profile of Buoniconti in Sports Illustrated, written by S.L. Price. You’ve may have read more concussion stories than you can count at this point, but it’s time to make room for one more.  Read more…

More about Sports, Nfl, Entertainment, and Sports

Everyone is comparing Trump to Nixon, and Nixon’s library isn’t pleased


Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday despite the bureau being in the midst of an investigation into the connections between the Trump administration and campaign to Russia.

Put another way, Trump fired the guy in charge of the investigation that some believe will end with his impeachment. 

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That’s not normal, though it’s also not unprecedented. Another president fired the person in charge of investigating his administration: Richard Nixon. 

Almost immediately after Trump fired Comey, the Nixon comparisons began — particularly around the “Saturday Night Massacre.” That’s the night in which Nixon fired the special prosecutor assigned to investigating what would eventually come to be known as the Watergate Scandal. After the firing, the attorney general and deputy attorney general resigned.  Read more…

More about Election 2016, Donald Trump, and Business

Kid buys used copy of ‘Grand Theft Auto,’ discovers meth inside


While rifling through the booklet of a used version of Grand Theft Auto V he just purchased from GameStop, an 11-year-old boy found a baggie containing six grams of meth.

Florida mother Kayla McAllister posted on Facebook Sunday saying her son found a bag of meth in the case of a used game bought at a GameStop in Tallahassee, Florida. She included the above photo with this message:

McAllister was worried that one of her kids could have ingested the drugs. In a comment she said she was relieved and thankful that nothing like that happened.

“My nerves are so bad right now,” she wrote in a follow-up comment. “Thank god [my son] was smart enough to bring it to us. I cant fucking imagine what could have happened if he didnt.” Read more…

More about Gaming, Drugs, Grand Theft Auto V, Gamestop, and Meth

A small robot is here to help after a mishap at a major nuclear waste site


A small robot is roving around a massive U.S. nuclear waste site to gather critical samples of potential air and water contamination after an emergency was declared Tuesday.

The machine was deployed after a tunnel that stores rail cars filled with radioactive waste partially collapsed at Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state. 

SEE ALSO: Greenland calls on Denmark to clean up toxic waste buried in melting ice sheet

The mishap raised fears of a radiation leak at the nation’s most contaminated nuclear site, though officials said there was no actual indication of a release of plutonium radiation as of 2:20 p.m. PDT.  Read more…

More about Science, Robots, Seattle, Washington, and Nuclear Weapons

How long can Disney keep a declining ESPN?


Disney owns so, so much: Theme parks, “Star Wars,” Pixar, and a deep, wonderful catalogue of classic animated movies. 

With so much in the vault, it’s easy to forget about ESPN. The cable sports network has, for years, been a crown jewel in Disney’s vast empire. It generated a ton of cash, helping to push Disney to record profits. 

These days, though? ESPN’s an anchor weighing down the rest of Disney. 

About two weeks after ESPN laid off about 100 staffers—including on-air personalities and reporters—Disney reported second quarter earnings that highlighted just how much of a drag the sports channel has become.  Read more…

More about Disney, Espn, and Business

Snapchat quietly released new geofilters for nearby businesses


Snapchat is helping you more easily show off where you are and also further support local businesses. 

SEE ALSO: Snapchat geofilters: How they work and why they matter

A new geofilter, available at least in New York City Tuesday, displays the name of a nearby business with the name of the city below it in white text over snaps. You can then tap through a bunch of other nearby shops.

Nearby Mashable headquarters on Fifth Avenue, the geofilter started with Hu Kitchen and then showed Anthropologie, The Parker Gramercy and Union Fare. 

The update provides another engaging experience on Snapchat for any user and comes on the same day that the app introduced several major product changes.  Read more…

More about Business, Snapchat, Small Business, Geofilters, and Business

Yelp is having a truly brutal day


“Yelp needs help” was the joke of finance Twitter Tuesday, as the company’s stock plummeted down by more than 28 percent in after-hours trading. 

SEE ALSO: You can now book fitness classes on Google

$YELP bloodbath..pic.twitter.com/38x21KIjj0

— twobacons (@twobacons) May 9, 2017

That’s an extreme dip and a bad look for a company that has been desperately attempting to climb back to its heights of 2014. Yelp’s stock was ripped to shreds after the company reported sales under analysts’ forecasts and also slashed its own revenue estimates for the year. 

In other words, we didn’t do as well as people had expected, and the future isn’t looking great either. Read more…

More about Business, Facebook, Google, Yelp, and Silicon Valley

Researchers want to know the effects of taking small doses of LSD to self-medicate


Josh heard all the buzz about Silicon Valley coders and young entrepreneurs who took tiny doses of LSD to boost productivity and spark creativity. But the 32-year-old was drawn to the psychedelic drug for another reason: the possibility that it could lift the fog of his depression, if only temporarily. 

Josh, who asked to withhold his last name due to the illegal nature of microdosing, said he turned to Reddit for answers. 

The website was filled with tips and testimonials of people who tried around 10 micrograms of LSD — an illegal narcotic — and had either positive experiences, found it didn’t work, or reported mild side effects. Although there are risks, nobody said they had wild or dangerous hallucinations, which are common with larger doses of mind-altering chemicals. Read more…

More about Science, Crowdfunding, Mental Health, Lsd, and Psychedelic