The Apple Watch could help doctors spot the leading cause of heart failure


The Apple Watch could be used to detect a heart condition that causes over 100,000 strokes every year, according to a new study. 

Heart health app Cardiogram and researchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Cardiology Health eHeart project teamed up to take a closer look at just how effective the Watch can be at tracking the most clinically common heart abnormality, atrial fibrillation (AF). 

The irregularity, which is treatable but tough to diagnose using current medical standard practices, is the leading cause of heart failure.

The mRhythm project that resulted from the pairing looked at the Apple Watch-sourced heart rate readings from 6,158 Cardiogram users. The data was then used to build an algorithm to detect the distinct heart rate variability pattern caused by AF.  Read more…

More about Apple, Study, Apple Watch, Heart Rate Monitor, and Cardiogram

Steph Curry lifted his social media blackout for the most adorable reason


Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry recently said he’s temporarily logging off social media to focus on the NBA Playoffs. An assistant might post to one of his accounts here and there, but he’s trying to eliminate distractions. 

As the Warriors await their opponent in the Western Conference Finals, though, Curry showed up on social media in a big way — and for an adorable reason. 

SEE ALSO: Schea Cotton, the NBA All-Star who wasn’t, is finally ready to tell his story

“When you’re really trying to zone in and keep your focus, you don’t want to have any unnecessary distractions during this point of the season,” Curry told ESPN last month of his online hiatus. “We have goals to accomplish, and you want to make sure you’re giving your all.” Read more…

More about Sports, Nba, Entertainment, and Sports

Trump and EDM get these lacrosse bros super pumped


There are many songs to which a college sports team could hypothetically take the field. Players could run onto the grass while “Get Ready For This” blares. Or they could play some AC/DC. They could even blast that one song from 8 Mile.

Or they could layer a Donald Trump speech over an EDM track, as the Adelphi University men’s lacrosse team did. 

That shouldn’t ruffle any feathers! 

SEE ALSO: Schea Cotton, the NBA All-Star who wasn’t, is finally ready to tell his story

We know of the Adelphi lacrosse team’s choice thanks to video posted to social media by Barstool Sports.  

Lax team comes out of the tunnel to a Trump speech. Somewhere @oldrowofficial is cumming themselves. Follow @barstoolnewsnet if you like to argue with people in comment sections

A post shared by Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) on Read more…

More about Sports, Donald Trump, College Sports, Lacrosse, and Entertainment

Microsoft needs your iPhone as part of its new mobile strategy


It wasn’t that long ago when Windows Phone was an important topic at Microsoft’s Build developer conference.

But you’d be hard-pressed to tell from watching this year’s keynotes. Like last year’s event, no one in the parade of Microsoft executives who took the stage made any mention of Windows Phone.

Except for that one moment.

SEE ALSO: The next version of Windows embraces iOS and Android like never before

Joe Belfiore, corporate vice president in Microsoft’s Operating Systems Group, was demoing a new OneDrive feature from the upcoming Fall Creators Update on a Windows Phone. As soon as he said the words “Windows Phone,” someone in the audience let out an inexplicably enthusiastic “Woot!” Read more…

More about Tech, Mobile, Android, Microsoft, and Ios

Apple just gave away all the iPhone camera’s secrets


Just because you know how to press your iPhone’s camera shutter and record button and snap the perf selfie doesn’t mean you’re getting the most out of the incredibly capable camera.

To help iPhone users take better (maybe even “Shot on iPhone” worthy) photos, Apple’s launched a new website with a bunch of informative photography tips and tricks.

SEE ALSO: A photographer used an iPhone 7 Plus to take this stunning ‘Billboard’ magazine cover

Some of these “how to shoot” tutorials may be obvious if you’re already familiar with all of the various modes within the iPhone’s camera app, but chances are you aren’t. Read more…

More about Apple, Iphone, Photography, Cameras, and Iphone 7

The ‘X-Men’ universe has two Stark sisters now


New Mutants has some new stars.

The X-Men spinoff has just cast Game of Thrones alum Maisie Williams and Split star Anya Taylor-Joy, Mashable has confirmed. Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) is directing.

SEE ALSO: ‘Deadpool 2’ just got upgraded to a summer date in the year of X-Men

That makes Williams the second Stark sibling to join the X-Men universe. Her small-screen sis, Sophie Turner, starred in X-Men: Apocalypse last year and is set to return for Dark Phoenix next year.

New Mutants is pitched as a YA take on the X-Men series, following a group of students as they navigate teen angst and mutant powers. Williams will play Wolfsbane, a Scottish girl whose werewolf-like powers are in conflict with her religious beliefs. Read more…

More about X Men, Maisie Williams, New Mutants, Anya Taylor Joy, and Entertainment

Microsoft’s new strategy: A deeper meaning


Satya Nadella changed Microsoft.

That’s the assessment of Microsoft Executive VP for Windows and Devices Terry Myerson who was recalling the very first staff meeting with the newly installed CEO three years ago.

“He deeply was convicted about refreshing our mission statement,” said Myerson, who sat down with me a few weeks ago, just hours after unveiling Windows 10 S and the Surface Laptop.

SEE ALSO: The next version of Windows embraces iOS and Android like never before

Myerson looked a little drained (“I kind of feel like I go down in a dark cave for two days before these events”) and was careful not to tip anything coming at this week’s Build Developer’s Conference, but he wanted to explain Microsoft’s transition from a company that builds good products to one that more intentionally marries form and function. It all started, it seems with the new mission statement: Read more…

More about Microsoft, Windows 10, Build 2017, and Tech

The Russians trolled Trump and released photos of him on the internet


With all the communication between Russian government officials and the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, you’d think someone at the White House would know that the Kremlin is home to professional trolls. 

But they apparently didn’t realize this until after a photo session at the White House on Wednesday went public. 

SEE ALSO: A Russian blogger was sentenced for playing ‘Pokémon Go’ in a church

Trump hosted Russia’s U.S. ambassador Sergey Kislyak and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the White House on Wednesday. Members of the U.S. press weren’t allowed in, and photos from the official White House photographer didn’t appear anywhere until the following day.  Read more…

More about Russia, Photos, White House, Troll, and Photographer

The New Yorker just compared Trump to United Airlines and it’s brutal


The New Yorker has capped off an insane week — and it’s only Thursday — with preview of next week’s issue. And it’s absolutely brutal. Take a look:

An early look at next week’s cover, “Ejected,” by Barry Blitt:

— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) May 11, 2017

The cover features recently fired FBI Director James Comey in a purple suit with blood dripping ever-so-slightly from his nose as he’s dragged off a plane in a way that can only be called “United-style.” The dragger? None other than Jeff Sessions, the U.S. attorney general who was supposed to have recused himself from anything Russia investigation related, clad in full law enforcement uniform.  Read more…

More about Media, Donald Trump, United, Magazine Cover, and New Yorker

Donald Trump is a big boy president who gets more ice cream than everyone else


Is it possible to already know news before it happens, because it feels like we already knew about this.  

President Trump, while eating dinner in the White House, gets two scoops of ice cream while everyone else gets one. He gets an extra scoop. Obviously.

SEE ALSO: Poll asks Americans what they think of Donald Trump and the answers are so, so shady

The president invited three Time reporters to spend a day at the White House on Monday, which ended with a candlelit dinner in the Blue Room, and there were some pretty notable differences between the four dinner attendees’ meals.

While the three reporters were served salad with a vinaigrette, Trump got what appeared to be Thousand Island dressing. During the entree portion of the meal, the president got “an extra dish of sauce” with his chicken. While everyone else was offered water, President Trump drank—interestingly—a Diet Coke. Read more…

More about Watercooler, Politics, Donald Trump, White House, and Time