Everyone fell for this fake story about a pastor eaten by crocodiles


British media were abuzz this morning after reporting this “story” of a pastor from Zimbabwe who was eaten by crocodiles after trying to walk on water like Jesus. 

Image: screenshot

The Independent, The Daily Mail, Unilad, Metro, the Express among others had a version of the story citing the Daily Post in Nigeria, which in turn cited the Zimbabwe Herald

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However, the Zimbabwe Herald has no such story on the website. Why? Because the story is fake:

Image: screenshot

Besides the fact that the river in question is called “Crocodile River” (LOL) and that there’s (suspiciously) another pastor-walks-on-the-water-like-Jesus-gets-eaten-by-crocodiles story from 2016, a quick search on Google reveals that the story was originally published on a satirical website in February:  Read more…

More about Jesus, Zimbabwe, Debunk, Fake News, and Crocodiles

Alison Brie’s girl squad fights it out in Netflix’s ‘Glow’ trailer


“This could either feel dinky, or it could feel epic.”

Journey to the ’80s with Netflix’s GLOW, a new comedy starring Alison Brie and Marc Maron.

Brie plays Ruth, a struggling actress in Los Angeles who auditions for “Gorgeous Women Of Wrestling,” a sufficiently daunting gig without the presence of Debbie (Betty Gilpin), who has a sizable grudge against her.

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The trailer gives us our first look at the motley GLOW crew, including Sydelle Noel, Kia Stevens, Jackie Tohn, and Sunita Mani, who work at the mercy of Maron’s curmudgeonly director SamOrange Is the New Black creator Jenji Kohan and Tara Herrmann executive produced the series. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Television, Netflix, Glow, and Alison Brie

Charlie Hunnam reveals what it’s like to act alongside David Beckham


Charlie Hunnam and Guy Ritchie don’t mind David Beckham stealing their King Arthur publicity thunder. Far from it.

During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show on Friday, Hunnam and Ritchie spoke about working with the legendary footballer — and they couldn’t sing his praises enough.

SEE ALSO: David Beckham looks totally unrecognisable in his ‘King Arthur’ makeup

“I thought he was terrific,” says Hunnam in the clip above. “Not only just a kind, lovely, humble fella, but showed up so determined to do a good job. 

“I mean he’s not an actor and I don’t think has any real aspiration to be an actor, but I think he’d hired an acting coach and he was so prepared and sort of nervous and determined — and I thought ‘Wow, good for you David Beckham’.” Read more…

More about Uk, Guy Ritchie, David Beckham, Graham Norton, and The Graham Norton Show

Marvel and Fox’s ‘The Gifted’ trailer actually mentions the X-Men, so we’re into it


The X-Men took their first tentative steps towards the small screen in February with FX’s Legion — which centers around David Haller (Dan Stevens) the secret son of Charles Xavier, who has spent his life believing that his powerful psychic abilities were simply delusions brought on by mental illness. 

The show’s last two episodes vaguely teased the connection between David and his long-lost father, but despite a few references to mutants, the show felt largely disconnected from the sprawling cinematic universe featuring Professor X, Logan and Magneto. 

SEE ALSO: ‘Legion’ creator wants the show to prove itself before you call it an X-Men series Read more…

More about X Men, Fox, X Men Franchise, The Gifted, and Entertainment

Two-year-old kid in a bouncy house is already more adult than all of us


Bounce houses are a staple at kid parties and let’s be honest, they are awesome. Most adults, if they were telling the truth, also think that.

But surprisingly, the 2-year-old boy in this video is not having the shrieking good time you’d expect. Instead, he’s standing calmly in the bounce house in his polo, slacks, and zip-up jacket. It’s very clear that he doesn’t really want to be there, but he is willing to tolerate the situation for the sake of his parents and the other kids.

We’re pretty convinced that right after the video ends, he pulled his iPhone out of his pocket, checked his email, and then made a few business calls. Read more…

More about Watercooler, Conversations, Kids, Toddler, and Bounce House

Those ‘Game of Thrones’ spinoffs will be prequels, and now there are FIVE in the works


If you’re freaking out about the possibility of four Game of Thrones spinoffs, we’ve got good news — George R. R. Martin has revealed that there are actually five potential projects in development over at HBO, and they’re not what you might expect.

The first four, as previously announced, are being written by Max Borenstein, Jane Goldman, Brian Helgeland, and Carly Wray, with Martin collaborating with the scribes on all four of the potential shows. 

“Every one of the four has visited me here in Santa Fe, some of them more than once, and we’ve spent days together discussing their ideas, the history of Westeros and the world beyond, and sundry details found only in The World of Ice & Fire and The Lands of Ice & Fire,” Martin wrote in a blog post on his LiveJournal. Read more…

More about Tv, Hbo, Game Of Thrones, George R. R. Martin, and Entertainment

14 films and TV shows ‘The Simpsons’ perfectly predicted


Is there anything in this world The Simpsons hasn’t predicted?

The answer, it would appear, is a big ‘ol no. They predicted Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl performance, they predicted a whole bunch of technology advances, and — as you’ve probably already read — they even predicted a Donald Trump presidency.

SEE ALSO: The Simpsons’ verdict on Trump’s first 100 days is in and it’s scathing

But the list doesn’t stop there.

In recent months, the Twitter account @Simpsonsfilms has been on a mission to prove that The Simpsons basically foretold every single film and television show out there.

Take a look at the following evidence and then tell us that Matt Groening isn’t blessed with some kind of precognitive power: Read more…

More about Twitter, Funny, The Simpsons, Predictions, and 13 Reasons Why

Our dystopian future isn’t found in ‘1984’ — it’s ‘Brave New World’ and ‘Infinite Jest’


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella set a high bar for developers at the company’s annual Build conference last week with a slightly off-putting challenge: don’t let your programs — and by extension, our technology — turn human society into a subservient mass of soulless drones. 

“I do believe it’s up to us to ensure that some of the more dystopian scenarios don’t come true,” Nadella said, flanked by a backdrop of the book jacket illustrations from George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, two of the 20th century’s most well-known works of fiction.

Satya Nadella calling out developers at Microsoft Build.

Satya Nadella calling out developers at Microsoft Build.

Image: screenshot/mashable Read more…

More about Microsoft Build, Satya Nadella, 1984, David Foster Wallace, and Dystopia