Everyone fell for this fake story about a pastor eaten by crocodiles


British media were abuzz this morning after reporting this “story” of a pastor from Zimbabwe who was eaten by crocodiles after trying to walk on water like Jesus. 

Image: screenshot

The Independent, The Daily Mail, Unilad, Metro, the Express among others had a version of the story citing the Daily Post in Nigeria, which in turn cited the Zimbabwe Herald

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However, the Zimbabwe Herald has no such story on the website. Why? Because the story is fake:

Image: screenshot

Besides the fact that the river in question is called “Crocodile River” (LOL) and that there’s (suspiciously) another pastor-walks-on-the-water-like-Jesus-gets-eaten-by-crocodiles story from 2016, a quick search on Google reveals that the story was originally published on a satirical website in February:  Read more…

More about Jesus, Zimbabwe, Debunk, Fake News, and Crocodiles

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