Jimmy Kimmel on Trump firing Comey: ‘This is the kind of thing dictators do’


After taking on Republicans over health care, it turns out Jimmy Kimmel isn’t done being political. 

On Tuesday night, he talked about Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey.

“This is the kind of things dictators do,” he said. 

It was a stinging statement to sandwich between an OJ and Meat Loaf joke, but hey, welcome to 2017.  Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Jimmy Kimmel, James Comey, and Fbi Director

Thanks to Amazon, it’s time to kill your landline


Every single time I go back to my parents’ home I try to get them to cancel their home phone line. And every time I fail.

I don’t know how much they pay for their phone bill off the top of my head, but whatever it is, it’s too much — especially since they rarely use it, and they have smartphones which I generously pay for.

SEE ALSO: Why the Echo Show could be Amazon’s most disruptive product

According to a recently published U.S. Health Department finding, 50.8 percent of American homes don’t have a landline and have a cellphone instead.

Naturally, as cellphones have become ubiquitous, the number of landlines in homes have declined and will continue to fall. There’s simply no need to have a home phone and cellphone — it’s an unnecessary duplication. Read more…

More about Amazon, Phone, Amazon Echo, Alexa, and Echo

The surprising place life on Earth could have started 3.5 billion years ago


Life on Earth might have started billions of years ago on land, not in the sea, according to a new study.  

A group of researchers found that the red rocks of the Pilbarra in Western Australia contain terrestrial hot spring deposits, and in them, the earliest known remnants of life on land. 

SEE ALSO: 7 obvious reasons why you shouldn’t climb this sacred site in Australia

Dating back 3.5 billion years, the finding (published in the journal Nature on Tuesday) moves back evidence of life on land by 580 million years. And not only that, it hints at the possibility that life on Earth began not in the ocean, as commonly thought, but on land-based hot springs. *Mind blown*  Read more…

More about Australia, Science, Nature, Life, and Evolution

Lightning strike leaves a surprise for an unsuspecting motorist


Thanks to the rise of cheap and reliable dashcams, the internet is filled with random occurrences people have witnessed behind the wheel.

While we’ve seen plenty of meteor strikes, instant justice delivered to bad drivers, and even plane crashes, this clip of a bolt of lighting hitting a bird and whacking it right out of the sky is one for the weird record books.  Read more…

More about Watercooler, Viral Videos, Dash Cam, and Watercooler

‘Hooning’ is the latest obscure term confusing and delighting the internet


So, if you didn’t know, Australia’s car culture is pretty hugeMad Max-esque, even.

And just like in Mad Max world, there’s an odd-sounding name, especially granted to drivers who race up and down public streets like Furiosa, partaking in “burnouts,” and “donuts.”

They’re called “hoons,” and people are baffled by it.

SEE ALSO: ‘That was a cracker!’: Aussies should voiceover all amazing meteor shower videos TBH

Queensland police set up a hotline in 2010 — aptly called 13 HOON — for the public to snitch on offenders who’ve been racing on their streets. 

Queensland police has a dedicated hoon hotline, 13HOON, to which you can report hoons and counter hooning (you can also report hoons online) pic.twitter.com/NSBW61V5lI

— Elle Hunt (@mlle_elle) May 9, 2017 Read more…

More about Australia, Word, Words, Hoon, and Hooning

Anderson Cooper throws Kellyanne Conway a brutal eye roll


Rolling eyes is a fine art, which CNN’s Anderson Cooper has mastered.

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, emerged from the shadows to do a little bit of damage control on Anderson Cooper 360 on Tuesday. News broke that Trump had fired FBI Director James Comey, and what do you know, Kellyanne Conway was available for a TV appearance. 

SEE ALSO: Even Edward Snowden thinks Trump firing James Comey was messed up

The White House fired Comey for how he handled the reopening of an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, something that Trump himself praised on the campaign trail. Yes, this is real life. Read more…

More about Watercooler, Politics, Kellyanne Conway, Eye Roll, and Watercooler

Curious cat investigates plastic bag, immediately regrets it


We all know the old saying about curiosity and cats. Also, the saying about cats and bags. 

This video combines both clichés.

Here we have a cat who was very curious about the inside of a plastic bag. So very cautiously, the cat crept inside.

Unfortunately, the cat was not cautious enough.

SEE ALSO: Carry your kitty in this adorable kangaroo pouch hoodie

Honestly, our reaction is the same as the cat’s owner. The situation is hilarious but we’re also concerned about whether the cat is actually OK.

Well, have no fear. The cat is fine, as seen in a video shot later that day by the owner. Just remember that plastic bags can be dangerous for pets, as bags have the potential to suffocate and strangulate. Read more…

More about Watercooler, Conversations, Cats, Cute Animals, and Watercooler

James Comey found out about his firing just like you did


Getting fired sucks. Learning about it on TV while talking to your employees? Even worse.

Turns out FBI Director James Comey  “learned from news reports that he had been fired while addressing bureau employees in Los Angeles,” according to the New York Times

“While Mr. Comey spoke, television screens in the background began flashing the news that he had been fired.”

SEE ALSO: The internet has a few incredibly depressing candidates to be Trump’s new FBI director

That’s pretty harsh. 

Reminds me of players learning they’ve been traded via Sportscenter https://t.co/J9sCvgigxa

— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) May 9, 2017 Read more…

More about Russia, Donald Trump, James Comey, Fbi Director, and Us World

Even Edward Snowden thinks Trump firing James Comey was messed up


President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, which came as shocking news, even in the times of President Trump.

While countless people of all kinds called out Trump for suddenly firing Comey, so did one of Comey’s most notorious rivals, Edward Snowden.

SEE ALSO: Obama’s White House photographer trolls Trump after FBI director gets fired

Set aside politics: every American should condemn such political interference in the Bureau’s workhttps://t.co/hROwSMg1vd

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) May 9, 2017

“Every American should condemn such political interference in the Bureau’s work,” Snowden tweeted with a link to the news of Comey’s firing, urging Americans to “set aside politics.” Read more…

More about Watercooler, Edward Snowden, James Comey, and Watercooler

The internet has a few incredibly depressing candidates to be Trump’s new FBI director


Do you have no interest in investigating Donald Trump’s alleged ties to Russia?

Are you a terribly unqualified white man who was born into tremendous privilege? 

Well, son, do we have the job for you. 

SEE ALSO: Apparently Paul Ryan emailed Seth Meyers about some health care bill jokes

On Tuesday, Trump fired James Comey, the director of the FBI — which just so happens to be the agency looking into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russian operatives. 

“A search for a new permanent FBI director will begin immediately,” read the official statement from the White House.  Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Fbi, James Comey, Jared Kushner, and Social Media