One Direction broke the boy band mold. Now they’re dividing and conquering.


One Direction is accidentally the best named boy band in the history of coordinated turtlenecks. Legend has it that Harry Styles picked it on a whim because it sounded cool after Simon Cowell gave the five boys a second chance to compete on X Factor if they were willing to go at it as a team.

For about five years, it worked remarkably well, and then the tears fell. 

There’s a line in Zadie Smith’s The Autograph Man, a book about the the trappings of idolization published when Harry Styles was eight years old, that seems oddly prescient for the current situaton. Just after a line that happens to be about a character’s ruffled shift, Smith writes, “All fandom is a form of tunnel vision: warm and dark and infinite in one direction.”  Read more…

More about Music, Celebrities, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, and One Direction

Delta sign error hints that the coming tech ban on planes will cover nearly everything


Abandon all devices bigger than a smartphone, ye who board here. 

We just got our first look at an airline warning passengers that they cannot bring laptops, tablets, or e-readers in their carry-on bags. 


Breaking: #ElectronicsBan: @Delta are displaying info at airport “Effective May 12, Cell phones ONLY onboard flights to United States”

— Alex Macheras (@AlexInAir) May 12, 2017

The picture quickly caught the attention of the media. Delta reportedly told ABC the sign was put up in error.

.@Delta tells @ABC: The sign was posted in error and has been taken down

— Dan Linden (@DanLinden) May 12, 2017 Read more…

More about Business, Delta, Laptop Ban, and Business

Virtual reality patients are teaching med students how to break bad news


How do you deliver bad news? 

It’s an unfortunate question we all grapple with at some point in our lives. But regularly having tough, life-changing conversations is a job requirement for many doctors.

SEE ALSO: Hospitals try giving patients a dose of VR

A newly developed technology called MPathic VR helps medical professionals learn how to deliver bad news, like a cancer diagnosis or a loved one’s death. The technology, according to its creators at Medical CyberWorlds, teaches “effective, empathic communication skills” to help better prepare doctors for these common conversations.

A study published in April backs up that assertion, showing that students using MPathic VR increased their patient communication skills and felt more confident in having tough conversations than those using traditional methods. Read more…

More about Tech, Health Care, Vr, Social Good, and Medical

Why a studio decided to make a sequel to a failed game


For a million reasons, much of it out of anyone’s control, the initial crop of games that launches with any brand new console is bound to have some duds. Normally, those unfortunate failures don’t warrant a sequel, and second chances are exceedingly rareKnack is the exception.

System launch games are built on brand new hardware that developers are unfamiliar with. Deadlines are bound in steel because the game’s launch is tied to the console’s release. And, all while the, the pressure to make something innovative, a game that can show off the possibilities of a new generation of game consoles, is impossibly high. Like so many console launch games before it, Knack suffered as a result of this vicious process, and nevertheless, Knack 2 is happening. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Sony, Playstation 4, and Knack 2

Michigan students powerfully respond to ’13 Reasons Why’ with 13 Reasons Why Not


As conversations and criticism continue around Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why, one Michigan high school is taking action by having students openly discuss the people and things that keep them going.

13 Reasons Why Not began at Oxford High School in honor of former student Megan Abbott, who died by suicide in 2013. Students didn’t know about the project until the first “tape” began playing over the school’s loudspeaker one day, courtesy of senior Riley Juntti.

Juntti and several other seniors recorded audio clips of personal stories — battles with bullying, body-shaming, abusive relationships, and more — but then they highlighted someone who gave them hope instead of someone they could blame. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Television, Netflix, 13 Reasons Why, and Entertainment

Teens used their AP English exams to completely roast Trump


On Wednesday, high school students across the country channelled weeks of cramming to complete the AP English Exam, a standardized test featuring multiple choice and essay questions. If their scores are high enough, the students earn college credit.

According to BuzzFeed, the final essay question of the exam, which was based on “America the Illiterate,” a column by progressive writer Chris Hedges, asked how much of a role “artifice” plays in politics. For those of you whose high school vocabulary skills have since left your brain and leaked out your ear, “artifice” means cunning or deceit.

SEE ALSO: Wow, look at this inspiring image of two students supporting each other during finals week Read more…

More about Watercooler, Test, Donald Trump, English, and School

According to the preview of Kylie Jenner’s show, You! Don’t! Know! Kylie! Jenner!


Kylie Jenner is not who you think she is. She is a skull eating neon roses.

The celebriteen dropped the first trailer for her docuseries on E! this summer, The Life of Kylie. When you grow up on camera, everybody feels like they know you,” Jenner says. “But they don’t.” 

SEE ALSO: Kylie Jenner spinoff will document all the like, realizing stuff she’s been up to

Great! Well, now we get to find out who Kylie Jenner is. According to the 30 second teaser, Kylie is so many things!

  • A neon triangle 

  • An affirmation

  • Disembodied lips 

Image: E!

  • A pop culture icon

  • A documentarian

  • A single silver shoe Read more…

More about Celebrities, Kylie Jenner, Kardashians, Reality Tv, and The Life Of Kylie

The best shots in film involve more than just the lead character


We continue our look at some of the best shots in all of film history by digging into relational shots, two shots, over the shoulders, group shots and crowds. Not just based on how cool they look (because there’s too many cool looking shots for that!) but how they work and why.

Visit CineFix for more episodes and movie-related content. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Film, Filmmaking, Cinefix, and Movie Lists

Man demonstrates precisely why you shouldn’t climb the barriers at a rail crossing


Those barriers aren’t casually placed at level crossings for aesthetic purposes.

SEE ALSO: Surly swan blocking traffic DGAF about your morning commute

One man proved the importance of said barriers when he decided to climb over them and into the train path in London yesterday. 

In the video shared via Twitter, the impatient cyclist hauled his bike into the level crossing before squeezing himself through the barriers.

The man shouts, “I don’t fucking care” right before a speeding train nearly flattens him.

@SW_Trains Thought you would like this. This was today at North

— Laughingcow (@Laughingcow4) May 11, 2017 Read more…

More about Watercooler, Uk, London, Traffic, and Trains