If you want to drink more water, get a water bottle with a handle

If you want to drink more water, get a water bottle with a handle

“Drink more water” is a nice New Year’s resolution. It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s pretty much guaranteed to make you feel better. But if reaching constantly for your reusable water bottle — and it should be a reusable water bottle — isn’t already habit, you might want to buy a bottle that’s super easy to tote around. Like, literally tote. You should buy a water bottle with a handle or loop.

The big issue with drinking more water (for me, anyway) is remembering to do it. I like drinking water: It tastes like nothing, makes my mouth feel good, gives me the impression that my skin is in better condition than it actually is, and allows me to talk about hydration an amount that’s annoying to others and perfect to me. Unfortunately, I am also fundamentally lazy. In order to drink enough to experience these benefits, water must be immediately accessible to me at all times.  Read more…

More about Hydration, Water Bottles, New Year S Resolution, Culture, and Work Life

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