2020 laws that give us hope for the year ahead

2020 laws that give us hope for the year ahead

Bye forever, 2019. The start of our latest decade has already ushered in a slate of new laws that give us hope for rectifying some of the general chaos that was the 2010s. Of course, plenty remains unfixed. In Tennessee, for example, a new law makes it easier for people to get a concealed carry permit. 

As we forge ahead, though, here’s a recap of some of the new laws that are already brightening our new year. 

First, there’s a big win for the non-binary community: As of Jan. 1, residents of New Hampshire can now mark their sex on their driver’s licenses as X, instead of M (Male) or F (female), if they identify outside of the gender binary. Read more…

More about Social Good, 2010s, Laws, New Year, and 2020

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