Same-sex penguin couple is madly in love and has adopted an egg


Love is in the air as penguin breeding season begins at the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium in Australia, and one adorable penguin couple is stealing the show.

Two male gentoo penguins, Sphen and Magic, became inseparable in the Macquarie Island exhibit, the aquarium explained in a blog post. They were so successful at building a nest together and taking care of a dummy egg that the love birds were given a real penguin egg to incubate.

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Here’s a quick look at Sphen and Magic and their nest:

The duo has been spending a lot of time together, waddling around the exhibit and going for swims, but the clearest sign of their love was their nest. Gentoo penguins build nests with pebbles when they couple up, and Sphen and Magic gathered more pebbles than any other couple there, according to the aquarium. Read more…

More about Penguins, Culture, Identities, and Animals

Melania Trump’s ‘I really don’t care’ jacket sets off a new social media firestorm


Melania Trump would have you believe she can’t catch a break. But never forget: She’s still a Trump, and lies come with the territory. 

The First Lady exposed yet another Trump lie to the world on Friday night. In June, in the midst of significant public and political blowback over immigrant families being separated at the U.S. border, Melania wore a jacket bearing the spray-painted words: “I don’t really care, do u?”

SEE ALSO: Melania Trump boards plane to meet immigrants wearing ‘I really don’t care’ jacket

Making matters worse, First Lady Trump was on her way to visit detained kids in Texas at the time. Read more…

More about Culture, Melania Trump, Culture, and Web Culture

What does ‘time well spent’ mean for games like ‘Candy Crush?’


If you own a smartphone, chances are you know Candy Crush and maybe even the game’s latest incarnation, Candy Crush Friends Saga. What you may not know is the story behind the franchise: How an Italian entrepreneur put all his cash on the line as a co-founder of King, the company that created the game, in the early 2000s, with a big idea: re-invent gaming for the online world.

That person is Riccardo Zacconi. He’s guided the company through the many phases online gaming (desktop, Facebook, mobile, and more), taking King public and eventually selling it to gaming giant Activision Blizzard in 2015. In this episode of MashTalk, Zacconi talks about that journey, his thoughts on Mark Zuckerberg, and what the future holds for gaming now that people are starting to question all the time they’re spending on their devices playing games like, well, Candy Crush. Read more…

More about King, Podcast, Mashtalk, Candy Crush, and Tech

Jake Paul responds to his ex Alissa Violet appearing in Shane Dawson’s series


Jake Paul released a reaction video to Alissa Violet’s appearance in Shane Dawson’s upcoming installment in his popular docu-series all about Jake, so buckle up for … genuine self-reflection? 

The controversial vlogger took a rare approach to his ex-girlfriend’s cameo. Alissa, who dated Jake from 2015 to 2016, publicly accused him of physically and emotionally abusing her. In a clip featured in The Mind of Jake Paul, Alissa says Jake dragged her down the stairs. 

In his response uploaded on Friday, Jake claims that Alissa wasn’t originally going to appear in Shane’s docu-series, but he felt that it made sense to add her perspective.  Read more…

More about Youtube, Jake Paul, Shane Dawson, The Mind Of Jake Paul, and Culture

Google says it won’t identify women who reported sexual misconduct on ‘Sh*tty Media Men’ list


Finally, something good.

Google says it doesn’t plan to comply with a proposed subpoena that would ask the tech giant to hand over names, email addresses, and IP addresses of women who anonymously contributed to a Google Docs spreadsheet highlighting men in the media industry accused of sexual misconduct and other inappropriate professional behavior. 

The planned subpoena is outlined in a lawsuit filed this week by one of the accused on the Google doc, known as the Shitty Media Men list. Stephen Elliott filed the federal lawsuit against writer Moira Donegan, who came out as the document’s creator earlier this year. Elliott’s asking Google for the personal information of the list’s anonymous contributors ostensibly so he could sue them, too. Read more…

More about Google, Privacy, Lawsuit, Me Too, and Moira Donegan

The rise of renewable energy will change everything


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An electric vehicle cruising down the highway, a solar panel installed on a neighbor’s rooftop, a wind turbine turning in the breeze: These are just a few of the powerful symbols that represent the blossoming renewable energy economy

There’s little doubt that the world is on the cusp of a new era of energy generation and consumption. From the rise of renewable fuel sources to the increasing number of companies like AT&T that are investing in clean energy, renewables are swiftly becoming a booming industry

As a result, we’re in the midst of an explosion of opportunity — both economic and environmental. In America, the seismic shift toward renewables is evident in both classrooms and boardrooms, particularly as major international corporations invest heavily in clean energy. Earlier in 2018, for instance, AT&T announced the expansion of its renewable energy program in collaboration with NextEra Energy Resources. Read more…

More about Supported, At T, Renewable Energy, Wind Energy, and Green Energy

17 miniature gifts that will make you wish everything was tiny


Everything is cuter when it comes in miniature size. Think mini horses, travel-sized condiments, and teeny replicas of your favorite board games. 

So this year, why not gift some miniature items? They’re just like regular-sized gifts, but far more adorable.

SEE ALSO: 7 gifts that are way better than things

There’s a surprising number of products that come in minute sizes, like arcade games, filing cabinets, and zen gardens—so you’re bound to find something for everyone you love in minuscule sizes. 

Plus, if you have to travel during the holidays you’ll be relieved to find that your luggage is lighter, now that you’re not being weighed down by chunky sweaters and candles for that one relative you always forget to shop for.  Read more…

More about Gifts, Miniature Food, Miniature, Gift Guide 2018, and Culture

The perfect cup for the clumsy person


Sick of spilling wine on your perfect carpet? Well, look no further because Mighty Mug will keep your drink exactly where you want it, in your cup! 

Heads up: All products featured here are selected by Mashable’s commerce team and meet our rigorous standards for awesomeness. If you buy something, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission. Read more…

More about Mashable Video, Beer, Wine, Mighty Mug, and Shopping Video

Marvel writer Chuck Wendig says he was fired for firing back at toxic fandom


Writer Chuck Wendig explained in a series of tweets that he has been fired by Marvel Comics from its Star Wars titles for “the negativity and vulgarity that [his] tweets bring,” referring to his Twitter responses to disgruntled Star Wars fans. 

SEE ALSO: The Star Wars live-action TV show has a title

Wendig is known for writing the Star Wars: Aftermath novels, which drew ire from fans over its gay protagonist. He further explained that since the release of the book (which was bombarded with one-star reviews from coordinated negative campaigns), he has been harassed by fans who identify with Comicsgate and other anti-diversity efforts.  Read more…

More about Star Wars, Marvel Comics, Chuck Wendig, Shadow Of Vader, and Entertainment

Why the latest season of ‘South Park’ feels like a total game-changer


South Park Season 22 has undeniably undergone a radical change. Yet, hilariously, no one can agree on what that change means, or what it even is.

Nothing exemplified that more than the latest episode, “The Problem with a Poo.” A definitive turning point for a show that’s been through the TV equivalent of a quarter-life crisis in recent years, the contentious episode will surely go down in history. 

But what, exactly, it will be remembered for remains to be seen.

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On the surface, it looked like business as usual when Mr. Hankey (yes, the Christmas Poo) showed up with a classic, “Hidey ho!” But the episode title and ensuing character arc, which ended with a call to #CancelTheSimpsons, revealed that it was tackling much more than fart humor.  Read more…

More about Entertainment, The Simpsons, South Park, Animated Shows, and Entertainment