Watch Ninja, 28, struggle to make a sandwich

Watch Ninja, 28, struggle to make a sandwich

Ninja tried to keep up with Bon Appétit chef Carla Lalli Music in the latest episode of “Back to Back Chef.” 

It did not go well.

Music planned a relatively simple bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. Tyler Blevins, known by his professional gaming handle “Ninja,” tried to follow along based on verbal instructions only. 

Despite Ninja’s cooking background — he told Music that when he worked at a restaurant for three years where his duties included “sautéing, cooking at the noodle station, and prepping noodles” — he couldn’t fathom sliced bread. When Music instructed him to cut two slices from the loaf of bread in front of him, Ninja couldn’t grasp how one slices bread.  Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Ninja, Bon Appetit, Culture, and Web Culture

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