Want to skywatch for Starlink satellites? There’s a website that will help you.

Want to skywatch for Starlink satellites? There's a website that will help you.

There isn’t a constellation quite like the image a line of Starlink satellites cuts across Earth’s skies. And now there’s an easy way to figure out when you can see them.

The SpaceX-operated gear is meant to one day provide high speed, satellite-powered internet all around the world. It’s already semi-functional and open for live testing (at quite a cost), but the eventual orbital network, which is already approved by the FCC, will consist of 12,000 satellites in all.

This raises some questions about what the sky will eventually look like for amateur and professional skywatchers alike. There’s also the risk of a “space junk”-related orbital catastrophe. For now, though, SpaceX is sending them to space in batches of 60 and lines of them are circling the planet in formations that are (under the right circumstances) clearly visible from the ground. Read more…

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