This ‘Death Stranding 2’ trailer is just…so much

DS2 trailer

You’ll want to sit down for this one.

Hey, remember Death Stranding? Yeah, the weird game where Norman Reedus carries around a baby that helps him see evil ghosts. Somewhat shockingly, creator Hideo Kojima made an appearance at The Game Awards to reveal DS2. It appears to be a true sequel to the first game, as the trailer prominently features both Lea Seydoux’s Fragile and Reedus’s Sam Porter Bridges.

Fragile has a regular baby (not one in a tank) and a sweet motorized unicycle. Bridges has grey hair now. There’s a sunny lake that’s hiding a big mechanized tank that looks an awful lot like a Metal Gear. There’s simply too much in this trailer to describe in a couple of paragraphs. You’ll have to see it for yourself.

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