Sony’s E3 show was intense, and everyone in the audience felt it


Conferences at E3 can be pretty out-there experiences. Sometimes there are bad hosts, weird drum interludes, or just plain old awkward moments. But there hasn’t been a conference as straight-up scary as the Sony one.

After getting seated in a gorgeous and old theater in Los Angeles, the audience was first treated to a musical quintet complete with falling sand art to help promote Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. This was not so much scary as it was titillating. 

Sony would continue on to show off some games we already knew about — and Spider-Man certainly showed best — as well as announce a few things for us to get excited about — like a Shadow of the Colossus remake — but nothing captured the live audience’s attention quite like the frightful moments we all had to endure. Dangling corpses, explosions, and other events generally reserved for the protagonists of action films had the audience literally gasping. Read more…

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