Google Street View captures very confused cat hanging out in Rome


If something weird is captured on Google Street View, someone on the internet is bound to find it. Bonus points if it’s a cute animal.

That’s because, while there are plenty of weird and wacky moments well documented in the various lists we’ve created, Google is constantly updating Street View for accuracy. Due to the constant influx of revised images, every so often the internet will discover a new little Easter egg in the Google Street View world. 

This time, it’s an adorable close-up of a cat.  

Image: Google Maps

It seems as if Redditor u/Belocity first discovered two cats — including the one with the perfect expression, above — hanging out on a ledge near some Roman ruins. Read more…

More about Cats, Google Maps, Google Street View, Culture, and Web Culture

Seth Rogen just discovered a woman is traveling Russia with a Seth Rogen cardboard cutout


Please, for just a moment, divert your attention from the 2018 World Cup or whatever the president is saying. Instead, take delight in this unexpected love story between a Russian woman and her Seth Rogen cardboard cutout companion. 

SEE ALSO: Seth Rogen refused Paul Ryan’s selfie request in front of the congressman’s kids

The actor tweeted a series of screenshots on Monday afternoon of Instagram user @alazankina  traveling through Russia with his likeness.

Some Russian women appear to have taken a cardboard cutout of me on

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) July 2, 2018 Read more…

More about Russia, Seth Rogen, Cardboard Cutout, Culture, and Celebrities

Why I unfollowed influencers in favor of relaxing slime content


This is You Won’t Regret It, a new weekly column featuring recommendations, tips, and unsolicited advice from the Mashable culture team.

I was once an avid follower of influencers. 

The outfits! The endless brunches! The unnecessarily large pool floats that you’d probably use once and then shove into the back of a closet, hoping it doesn’t get too mildewed before you bring it out again next summer!

I was in love with all of it, turning to the magic of influencer posts when my closet felt drab and my life felt uninspired. Seeing so many trends fueled my need to shop. Sad after a breakup? Time to buy an off-the-shoulder crop top like the one a makeup guru wore, so I could look cute for a photo that an ex might see while scrolling through Instagram. Bored on the weekend? Time to fill my living room with plants like ones my favorite vlogger had. Yes, all of these potted ferns were bound to die a slow and dry death due to my neglect, but they looked so good in pictures. Read more…

More about Instagram, Influencers, Slime, You Wont Regret It, and Culture

Amazon patents hijack-proof delivery drones


Amazon just received a patent for hijack-proof delivery drones.

The company filed a patent titled “Hostile takeover avoidance of unmanned vehicles” two years ago, and it was finally approved last week. The patent is specifically designed for delivery vehicles, and its aimed at preventing “nefarious individuals” from taking over the company’s drones.

Although there’s no guarantee that this patented technology will ever see the light of day, it’s still considered a major development — especially for an e-commerce giant like Amazon — since it could revolutionize the company’s delivery capabilities. Read more…

More about Amazon, Drones, Artificial Intelligence, Patent, and Patents

‘Spider-Man’ who rescued toddler dangling from balcony joins fire service


Real-life “Spider-Man” Mamoudou Gassama, who rescued a toddler dangling from a balcony, has started his new role with the Paris Fire Brigade.

The 22-year-old undocumented Malian migrant was awarded with French citizenship and a meeting with President Emanuel Macron after his heroic efforts in May. Plus, he apparently landed a smooth job offer from the city’s fire service at the time.

SEE ALSO: It took 30 seconds for this superhero to save a little boy dangling from a building.

He’s clearly taken them up on the offer of sorts, in what appears to be a voluntary capacity with the Paris Fire Brigade tweeting a photo of its 24 new recruits on June 29, including Gassama.  Read more…

More about Paris, Rescue, Spider Man, Fire Service, and Mamoudou Gassama

The world’s pretty messed up, so here’s a bunch of tiny-weeny cheetahs


If you’ve yet to fill your quota of daily spluttering over baby animals, this should tip you right over the edge.

A group of six newborn cheetah cubs have been unveiled to the public, having arrived at Taronga  Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo, Australia.

SEE ALSO: These lynx screaming at each other will strike a chord with anyone who has a sibling

The cubs were born to mama Kyan and papa Jana, on June 6, in the largest litter the zoo’s seen to date (usually the litters are about two to four cubs).

They make a tiny, tiny squeak at this point, which is enough to make you splutter like a choking pelican at your desk. Read more…

More about Baby Animals, Cubs, Cheetahs, Culture, and Animals

‘This Is America’ choreographer shows you how to do Childish Gambino’s dance


The woman behind the dance moves that rocked the internet in Childish Gambino’s provocative “This Is America” music video is a 23-year-old phenom named Sherrie Silver — and she has a thing or two to teach us all.

SEE ALSO: Here are all the things you should be looking for in the ‘This Is America’ video

Silver appeared in a recent BBC video in which she talked about the inspiration behind her choreography, how she came to work for Childish Gambino, her upbringing in Africa and the United Kingdom, and more. 

“I stand for taking Africa to the world, and taking the world to Africa, through dance,” Silver said. Read more…

More about Africa, Dance, Childish Gambino, This Is America, and Choreography

61 Facebook app developers still had access to users’ friends data after 2015


Facebook said that apps’ data-scraping days ended in 2015. But that wasn’t the end of the story.

In 2015, Facebook says it changed the policy that allowed app developers — such as the Cambridge Analytica-affiliated researcher Aleksandr Kogan — access to the data of app users’ friends. That was the tactic that enabled Kogan to gather data on 87 million Facebook users, which he sold to Cambridge Analytica.

SEE ALSO: Everything you need to know about the Cambridge Analytica controversy

Now, in a document submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives, Facebook has said that 61 app developers had access to users’ friends data for nearly 6 months after the policy change. Facebook says it allowed the extension to give these companies time to comply with the new policy.  Read more…

More about Congress, Mark Zuckerberg, Cambridge Analytica, App Developers, and Tech

NPR meant to hail ‘the year of the woman’ in Mexico and promptly fell on an ass


It may be a terrible year for the United States, but in Mexico, 2018 is “el año de la mujer” — the year of the woman.

A recent report from National Public Radio highlighted the abundance of women running for elected office in the North American country. Everything would’ve been great, too, if not for an extremely unfortunate language error when NPR tweeted the story.

SEE ALSO: ‘Simpsons’ fans dream of a Mexico and Portugal World Cup final

“There are more than 3,000 women running for elective office in Mexico,” the original tweet read. “Some Mexicans are calling 2018 ‘el ano de la mujer,’ which translates to ‘the year of the woman.'” Read more…

More about Mexico, Culture, Npr, Culture, and Web Culture

The big problem with those conservative calls for ‘civility’


Conservative doublespeak just got taken to a whole new level.

There are many reasons to balk at politicians’ and commentators’ calls for “civility” in response to Trump officials getting kicked out of restaurants. Say, the hypocritical fact of Trump’s own acerbic behavior, or the idea that “civility” is the least of our worries at a time when the U.S. government has separated migrant families at the border with no plans for reuniting them. 

SEE ALSO: Memo to 2018 from the 1960s: Forget ‘civility.’ Get angry. Don’t stop.

Now, the people of Twitter have honed in on a particularly piercing rebuke of the civility balloon by invoking the idea that helped put Trump in office: that conservatives in fact ended “civility” themselves, by just calling it “political correctness,” and labeling sensitivity about the language we use as a problem. Read more…

More about Immigration, Trump, Hypocrisy, Immigration Ban, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders