Man returns working iPhone that he found at the bottom of a river


YouTuber Michael Bennett runs a channel called “Nugget Noggin” in which he dives into rivers in search of lost treasure. A lot of his content involves scrounging up waterlogged laptops, nail polish containers, or GoPros. But every once in a while, something truly amazing happens, like when assumed trash returns to its sentimental pedestal. 

Earlier this week, Bennett scrounged up an iPhone in a filthy waterproof case at the bottom of the Edisto River in South Carolina, and managed to return it to its rightful owner.

In an interview with local news outlet WDAM 7, Bennet said “I came across something that looked kind of like a rope maybe attached to car keys, and when I pulled it up, I seen a phone inside of a waterproof case and I’m like, ‘No way, this is unbelievable!'” Read more…

More about Iphone, River, Father, Lost, and Lost Items

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