How @YesYoureRacist became the internet’s fastest tool to identify white supremacists


On Friday, some of America’s most racist trolls hatched from their egg avatars to wave Home Depot tiki torches and chant their fave Nazi, KKK, and white supremacist slogans in Charlottesville.  

Yet some were nonetheless caught off guard when their very public displays of hate were made, well, public. 

Twitter account @YesYoureRacist enjoined users to circulate photos of the Charlottesville marchers in hopes of identifying them over the weekend. It didn’t take long for the account’s popularity to surge and for the messages to flood in.

On Saturday morning, the account had close to 60,000 followers. By Tuesday afternoon, that had soared to 372,000. Read more…

More about Twitter, White Nationalists, Charlottesville, White Supremacists, and Charlottesville Protests

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