Her tweet echoed Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but her story had a much different ending


They both got kicked out of different Washington, D.C. area restaurants on Friday. But only one suffered unjust treatment.

While White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders used her government Twitter account on Saturday to criticize a private business that politely asked her to leave, Charlotte Clymer shared a story of her own. Both women were ejected from a restaurant on Friday, but the similarities end there.

SEE ALSO: Politics come to Yelp after a restaurant asks Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave

“Last night, I was told by the manager of @CubaLibreDC that I couldn’t use the women’s restroom, and after challenging his discrimination with D.C. law and responding to his threat of calling the police w/ “please do so”, I was forcibly removed from the restaurant.”  Read more…

More about Twitter, Viral, Social Good, Activism, and Transgender Rights

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