Google Maps for iOS now lets you share your ETA


For the chronically late among us, your days of lying about being “5 minutes away” are numbered. 

Google released its “share your real-time location” feature for the Google Maps iOS app on Thursday. It lets you send ETAs to friends and family based on satellite data — not empty promises. 

The setting lets users share their location with specific people for the duration of a trip. Just tap the ^ button once you’ve begun a trip, and a list of frequent contacts will pop up. Then you can invite them to view your location. 

SEE ALSO: Google Maps wants to be the only app you need for your commute

If you’re on the receiving end of an invitation, you can see where your en-route friend is in real time on a map of their journey. Read more…

More about Google Maps, Tech, Iphone, and Big Tech Companies

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