Facebook’s targeted ads on Google want to talk about Russia’s targeted ads on Facebook


Search anything related to Facebook and Russia on Google, and the top result will be an ad from the social network.

Facebook seems to have taken out search ads on Google targeted at those terms in an bid to shape the narrative around the ongoing controversy over its platform’s role in Russian political subversion campaigns.

SEE ALSO: Facebook execs (somewhat) embrace transparency, via Twitter

“We take trust seriously,” the headline text of the ads reads, followed by the sub-head: “We will work to help protect the integrity of elections on Facebook globally.”

The ads lead to a page in Facebook’s Help Center with a numbered breakdown of the ways the company claims to be combatting nefarious advertising and participating in the congressional investigation into Russia’s effort to undermine the 2016 presidential election. Read more…

More about Facebook, Google, Advertising, Russia, and Mark Zuckerberg

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