Deleted ‘Black Panther’ scene has big reveal about Okoye and W’Kabi


If you left Avengers: Infinity War wanting way more of Wakanda and way less of everything else — hard same.

And we’re in luck, because USA Today released an exclusive clip of a deleted Black Panther scene. It’s a reminder of what makes the film stand out in the Marvel franchise, displaying the incredible depth of its characters while also speaking to real-world cultural issues and questions. 

Most scintillatingly, it finally confirms what many suspected: Okoye and W’Kabi are married. And marriage is tough, man.

The scene takes place right after T’Challa loses the King’s Challenge to Erik Killmonger, and is thrown off a waterfall — presumably to his death. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Ryan Coogler, Marvel Studios, Black Panther, and Black Panther Week

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