Beef Candle. Beef Candle. Beef Candle. Beef Candle. Beef Candle. BEEF CANDLE.

Beef Candle. Beef Candle. Beef Candle. Beef Candle. Beef Candle. BEEF CANDLE.

Lord of the Rings author J. R. R. Tolkien is credited with describing the phrase “cellar door” as the most beautiful string of words in the English language based purely on pronunciation alone. But I propose a more beautiful pair of words: beef candle

Did you know McDonald’s sells merch? I, for one, did not. To celebrate nearly 50 years of the iconic grease bomb, McDonald’s announced a line of Quarter Pounder-themed merch. Among engraved lockets and matching couple’s mittens, the fast food chain is also releasing a set of burger scented candles. 

The box set includes six candles, labeled Bun, Ketchup, Pickle, Cheese, Onion, and 100 percent Fresh Beef.  Read more…

More about Beef, Mcdonalds, Candle, Culture, and Web Culture

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