12 tons of liquid milk chocolate spill onto Polish highway


It’s the Magic Shell from hell.

A truck containing 12 tons of liquid milk chocolate overturned on a Polish highway on Wednesday, coating the road in sticky candy goop. Now, crews are struggling to clean it all up because it’s hardening onto the asphalt. Fun!

SEE ALSO: Forbidden snacks, ranked

According to the New York Times, the secret weapon for this type of situation is hot water, which is now being sprayed onto the street to re-melt the chocolate. Cleanup is expected to take several hours, which we bet people in cars are thrilled about.

Na #A2 Poznań-Warszawa przewróciła się cysterna z czekoladą. Trwa sprzątanie jezdni ???? #czekolada pic.twitter.com/EnSNT8ri1q

— MotoSygnały (@MotoRadioPoznan) May 9, 2018 Read more…

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