11 of the best fitness subscription boxes for any type of wellness junkie

There’s one thing that fitness junkies and fitness newbies both can agree on: Keeping a set workout routine ain’t easy.

Daily responsibilities and inevitable inconveniences make for hectic schedules that don’t always allow for a trip to the gym (and yes, “I don’t feel like it” counts as an inconvenience). Or, on the one day you actually have time to go, you realize you’re completely out of protein powder or don’t have any clean socks. Because life is annoying like that.

Good thing the internet is full of fitness and health-related subscription boxes to make sure you’re always prepped and motivated for a workout.

(We’re not handing out puppies to assist with weight lifting — but that doesn’t mean we’re not encouraging it, either.)

Fitness is a pretty general concept, and not everyone has the same methods. These boxes are tailored toward multiple hobbies and goals: from gym regulars, to runners, to yogis, to people who just want to make sure they get their vitamins. There are even boxes for newbies who are tired of getting ideas off Pinterest. Even if your day gets totally messed up, you’ll be glad to have the backup apparel, gear, and healthy snacks on deck.

Subscription boxes are also the best way to discover new brands of gear or snacks that you may not have known about otherwise, and on the cheap. Because let’s be honest: Navigating a Lululemon sale or a Whole Foods at rush hour isn’t exactly fun.

Note: Prices shown are based on the price of the lowest box, not the monthly price — as some boxes don’t follow a monthly shipment cycle.

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