11 best tweets of the week, including Dwight Schrute, Chip Poncy, and Meta

Do you have your Halloween costume yet? I sure hope you do. Halloween is Sunday. Yes, freaking Sunday. It’s already here.

Side note: I went to get a pumpkin from the store and they were already sold out because I didn’t realize the month is almost over. Can you believe that? Out of pumpkins. What a shame.

Anyway, October is about to end and the work week is past us, baby. To celebrate the weekend we collected some good tweets because that’s what we do around here.

So here they are the 11 best tweets of the week. Enjoy.

1. One of many Meta jokes the internet came up with when Facebook rebranded

2. One more Meta joke for you

3. This is such a good idea

4. They earned it, to be honest

5. No thoughts just BING BONG

6. Raccoon in the store

7. Oh no, I am so much water, I am in danger

8. Yup, same bro

9. Obligatory dril tweet

10. Not to be a jerk but like…you definitely bought that from Target

11. And finally, this

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