FX boss says Donald Glover’s ‘Deadpool’ series was deep-sixed by Marvel


It’s been a few months since it was announced that Donald Glover’s heavily-anticipated Deadpool animated TV series, to be produced for FX, was being shelved. But we finally have a few more details about why that came to be, thanks to FX chief John Landgraf.

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Landgraf, the CEO of FX, was speaking at the Television Critics Association (TCA) summer press tour on Saturday when he put the blame squarely on MarvelPer The A.V. Club, Landgraf said:

Well, then. 

This is as specific a reason as we’ve heard since the March news that the show wasn’t happening and that the three entities — Glover, Marvel, and FX — were parting ways. It’s a bit of a sensitive situation since this triangle has a few other relationships ongoing: Marvel and FX work together on Legion and, of course, Glover and FX have had huge success with Atlanta. Read more…

More about Marvel, Deadpool, Fx, Donald Glover, and Entertainment

‘Black Panther’ is the third movie ever to make $700 million in the U.S.


Star Wars: The Force AwakensAvatar. And now, introducing..Black Panther.

As of today, Aug. 5, 2018, the February hit from Marvel Studios has officially crossed the $700 million threshold at the U.S. box office. That’s a huge achievement, one that only three movies in history — the three named above — can claim credit for.

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Star Wars is the big winner, having amassed an astonishing $936.7 million during its theatrical run in domestic theaters. The considerably older Avatar (it hit theaters in 2009) comes in as a distant #2, with $760.5 million earned domestically. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Film, Marvel, Black Panther, and Entertainment

Taylor Swift and Bryan Adams tag team ‘Summer of ’69’ in glorious duet we all need


Hello, Song Of The Summer Committee? We know it’s late in the season but have you heard this freaking Taylor Swift and Bryan Adams duet? Because it honestly might be a game changer.

In a ~Summer of 2018~ miracle, Swift brought the Canadian singer on stage in Toronto to tag team his 1984 jam, “Summer of ’69.” It was magical, to say the least, and according to Swift she was “losing it” as much as everyone else.

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“I didn’t even know Bryan was gonna be in town until last night and I asked him completely last minute if he wanted to come sing!! Pretty evident from the videos (um yes I’m posting another one) that I’m FULLY LOSING IT with excitement, and I can’t thank @bryanadams enough ✨⭐️?” Swift captioned a glorious Instagram video of the performance. Read more…

More about Music, Culture, Taylor Swift, Duet, and Bryan Adams

CBS revealed a Jean-Luc Picard TV series. Let’s check in on Star Trek Twitter.


CBS dropped a bomb on Saturday: Sir Patrick Stewart is returning to the Star Trek universe. Fandom collectively lost its shit after the announcement.

An upcoming CBS All Access series will explore the life and times of former U.S.S. Enterprise captain Jean-Luc Picard during his golden years. We don’t know much about the story just yet beyond Stewart confirming that it’s set two decades after Star Trek: Nemesis.

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Really, the thing that matters here is new Picard stories. Stewart’s Enterprise captain is one of the most widely beloved Star Trek characters of all time. Now we’ll get to see his story continue. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Tv, Star Trek, Web Culture, and Patrick Stewart

NFL star wears tie with names of 12 black people killed by police to Hall of Fame induction


The tie Randy Moss chose to wear to his induction into the NFL Hall of Fame spoke volumes.

The star wide receiver-turned-NFL analyst for ESPN was one of eight new members welcomed into the Hall of Fame on Saturday. On the big day Moss chose to make a powerful statement with his tie, which displayed the names of 12 black men and women who were killed by police.

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The tie featured the names Greg Gunn, Tamir Rice, Akai Gurley, Paul O’Neal, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, Sandra Bland, Akiel Denkins, Alton Sterling, Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin, in gold lettering. Read more…

More about Sports, Football, Culture, Police Brutality, and Randy Moss

The latest iOS 12 beta all but confirms a bigger iPhone X


iOS 12 has truly been a treasure trove of both heating up the rumor mill and strongly hinting at upcoming devices.

Since last’s September iPhone X unveiling, rumors have been swirling that a larger model, presumably the iPhone X Plus, was en route for 2018. Now, legendary iOS developer, Guilherme Rambo, has taken to Twitter to show off a sketch of the presumed iPhone.

SEE ALSO: Apple spills the beans on 2018 iPhones with government filing

While digging through the latest iOS 12 beta, now up to version 5 for developers, he discovered a new sketch of what looks like a larger iPhone carrying the X’s trademark notch. You might recall that he found the original iPhone X in an iOS 11 beta at around this time in 2017. Read more…

More about Apple, Iphone, Developers, Iphone X, and Ios 12

Seven adorable puppies were found stranded on an uninhabited island in Canada


Let’s start with something positive: Seven extremely cute puppies have been rescued from the wilds of Canada, and are right now on the road (literally) to a better life.

The circumstances of how the puppies came to be stranded on an uninhabited island in the Canadian province of Manitoba remains a mystery, however. Most of the obvious possibilities here lead to some troubling conclusions.

SEE ALSO: Internet, why won’t you let me live stream this dog surfing competition?!

The saga of the puppy rescue began on Monday when a volunteer for Winnipeg’s Norway House Animal Rescue called in to report their existence. The roughly four-month-old pups had been discovered by a local boater, Junior Cook, near Cross Lake, Manitoba, about 300 miles north of Winnipeg. Read more…

More about Animals, Culture, Puppies, Culture, and Animals

Jean-Luc Picard is back, baby! Sir Patrick Stewart has a new Star Trek series


Well played, CBS All Access. Well played, indeed.

Star Trek may be the biggest property CBS owns, and now a new Trek series is coming starring Sir Patrick Stewart once again as his Next Generation Enterprise captain, Jean-Luc Picard. Much like Star Trek: Discovery, it’s going to be a CBS All Access-exclusive series.

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That ought to bring a few new subscribers in.

There are many debates over which Trek series is best. (The only correct answer is Deep Space Nine, please do @ me.) But there’s little disagreement over Stewart being one of the best and most popular actors overall. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Tv, Star Trek, Patrick Stewart, and Entertainment

The Boring Company is alarmingly chill with kids and dogs at its flamethrower pick-up event


Let’s be real for a minute: Just because you put “not” in front of something doesn’t really mean it is not that thing. 

While Borat is still working on his ability in this area, The Boring Company is handing out its Not-A-Flamethrowers to faithful customers who are eager to get there hands on them. Pick-up parties, as they’re being called, started in Los Angeles a few weeks back, and there was one in Washington D.C. on Saturday.

SEE ALSO: Elon Musk’s Boring Company will build a high-speed train to Chicago airport

Alarm bells are ringing after the D.C. event, however, with kids and dogs appearing in more than a few photos posted on The Boring Company’s Twitter feed. Now that just seems unsafe. The idea of a company endorsing the visual of a kid hanging out next to — or even firing — a flamethrower seems surreal. Read more…

More about Flamethrower, The Boring Company, Flamethrowers, Tech, and Consumer Tech

Poor Cat Designs’ take on virtual personal shopping uses real people instead of AI


Facebook has been pushing for AI Bots to handle customer inquiries, and Apple is offering Business Chat for iMessage. 

But where do smaller sized businesses fit into this equation? For them, the AI helpers might carry too high a price tag and, more importantly, cut down on the personalized service a brand can provide.

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Poor Cat Designs based out of Redbank, New Jersey has a unique solution for a customer base that stretches far beyond the Garden State, into global territory.  Read more…

A Virtual Personal Shopping Experience

More about Iphone, Shopping, Bracelet, Imessage, and Jewlery