Idaho school hit with backlash over offensive Trump-inspired costumes


Proving that even Halloween isn’t immune from the political division our country is currently embroiled in, an Idaho school district has issued an apology after it faced stiff backlash to pictures of staffers in pro-Trump, anti-Immigrant costumes for the holiday.

In one photo, several staffers are lined up forming a brick wall with Trump’s famous “Make America Great Again” phrase displayed, a reference to Trump’s long-promised border wall. Another photo featured several staffers dressed in sombreros, ponchos, and fake exaggerated mustaches, a racist stereotype of Mexicans. 

A group of faculty at a Middleton, Idaho school are under fire after dressing up together as a border wall with the sign, “Make America Great Again” attached. Other faculty dressed up in stereotypical Mexican clothing

— Joe Parris (@KTVBJoe) November 2, 2018 Read more…

More about Racism, Donald Trump, Immigration, Idaho, and Culture

Please look at Lady Gaga’s many dogs dressed as lush Chia Pets


This is One Good Thing, a weekly column where we tell you about one of the few nice things that happened this week.

We already knew that Ally Maine’s Lady Gaga’s ability to fold shirts is unmatched, but did you also know that she has the greatest green thumb of all time?

Just look at the Chia Pet garden she cultivated this week. What makes this garden so special is that it’s made up entirely of her adorable French bulldogs, all dressed as Chia Pets for Halloween.

Gustave, Asia, Koji, and another unidentified doggo posed effortlessly for their mother’s camera, and the results would leave any seasoned supermodel quaking. Read more…

More about Dogs, Halloween, Dog, Lady Gaga, and Dog Costume

Another rumor hints at Amazon’s HQ2 landing in northern Virginia


It’s been a while since we checked in on the race to land Amazon’s highly-coveted HQ2 but a new rumor reinforces the possibility that northern Virginia could be the place Jeff Bezos lands his corporate behemoth’s new home. 

A report by the Washington Post (also owned by Bezos) on Saturday morning said that discussions have heated up around a location in Crystal City, Virginia, which is located across the Potomac from southern Washington, D.C. and nestled right next to Reagan International Airport. 

One key hint, according to the Post, is that a Crystal City real estate developer has pulled listings from the market, possibly in anticipation of those locations being renovated to host the first wave of HQ2’s new employees. Read more…

More about Jeff Bezos, Amazon Hq2, Tech, and Big Tech Companies

8 of the best automatic cat feeders to keep your pet fed and happy


As our schedules become more and more jam packed, having the option to automate daily chores, such as feeding the cat, can be a real time saver. Plus, it just feels good to know your feline bestie has a nice full belly. Pet product manufacturers have smartly recognized this need of pet parents everywhere, and there are now dozens of automatic cat feeders available these days. To help you figure out which option is right for you, we researched the internet’s favorite models and broke them down based on the features cat owners care about most.

SEE ALSO: The 30 best cat breeds, ranked

Whether you’re looking for a no-frills, basic gravity feeder or a full-fledged product to program perfectly timed and portioned meals, we’ve got the best automatic cat feeder options to fit your—and your kitty’s—needs.  Read more…

More about Cats, Pets, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Amazon, and Tech

7 of the best robot vacuums to tackle pet hair


Pets are mediocre roommates. Sure, they’re adorable. And they have a preternatural ability to cuddle. But pets are also messy. They pay no mind as to where they shed or track dirt. You’re forced to constantly clean up after them which, frankly, we find pretty rude. Fortunately, robot vacuums are here to save the day. Or, at the very least, help cut down on your housework. These devices live for picking up stray bits of food, litter and hair, ensuring your home doesn’t turn into a den of debris. Of course, before you rush over to Amazon or (gasp!) an actual store, you’ll want find out which vacuum might be best for you. Read more…

More about Home, Pets, Dog, Cat, and Robot Vacuums

7 of the best GPS dog collars and trackers to keep tabs on your pet


If you’re like us, you get slight separation anxiety when you see your doggo run off. We don’t blame you. The American Humane Association estimates over 10 million dogs and cats are lost and stolen in the U.S. every year. Equipping pets with ID tags or microchips is one way to ensure your pets’ safe return in case they get lost while on vacation or stray away from home, but you can take your dog’s safety to another level — with wearable tech for pets. Pet wearables, such as GPS collars, are making it possible for pet parents to track their doggo’s location (and even monitor their activity) wherever they are.  Read more…

More about Dogs, Pets, Gps, Mashable Shopping, and Culture

7 of the best pet cameras for keeping tabs on your cat or dog


If you have a four-legged friend at home, chances are you consider them to be an important part of your family and being away from them for any length of time can be difficult. 

Luckily, more and more cameras are now available to help monitoring your precious pets easier than ever. These cameras allow pet parents to keep watch over their doggos and kitties while away from home, often with just the push of a button on their smartphone. 

SEE ALSO: 8 of the best dog beds to help your canine rest easy

But with so many remote monitoring cameras available on the market today, choosing the best one to help you watch over your furry friend can feel like a daunting task. To help, we researched the internet’s favorite models and broke them down based on the features pet parents care about most, so you can choose the right one to fit your needs. Read more…

More about Dogs, Cats, Pets, Cameras, and Mashable Shopping

These 8 vacuum cleaners are the best for dealing with pet hair


Watching your dog bound over to lick your face every time you walk in the door or chilling on the couch with your cat purring at your feet are some pretty awesome perks of having a pet. But you know what’s not so awesome? Pet hair. All over your house. All the time.

SEE ALSO: 7 of the best Dyson vacuums that will (hopefully) make all your cleaning dreams come true

If you’re a pet owner, you know that staying on top of pet hair cleanup is no joke. From your couch pillows to your carpets, pet hair gets everywhere. And even some of the best, most powerful vacuum cleaners don’t cut it. You need a vacuum that’s specifically designed for pet owners and that’s engineered to pick up hair without clogging, manage airborne dander and other allergens, and leave your house hair-free with minimal effort on your part. Read more…

More about Home, Dogs, Cats, Pets, and Vacuum

7 of the best automatic dog feeders to keep your BFF fed on time


As much as we all love our dogs, there are times when we unfortunately have to leave them home alone. Whether you have to stay late at work one night, or your dog walker calls in sick, it can be tough on both you and your dog to be apart for very long. But there is one thing that we can do to help make life a little bit better for them: can get them on a regular feeding schedule. 

Not only is eating at the same time every day just healthy for your dog, but it can also make your life easier as well. After all, a dog that eats on a schedule poops on a schedule — meaning you’re less likely to come home to an accident. Regular eating also helps you notice if something is wrong with your dog’s health because often the first sign that your pup is sick is a lack of appetite.  Read more…

More about Dogs, Pets, Mashable Shopping, Culture, and Animals

Scoop no more: 7 of the best self-cleaning cat litter boxes


Having a cat (or a few) can be an amazing experience. They’re soft, cute, cuddly, goofy in the best and weirdest way, and they’re always there for you to pet on a bad day. Plus, there’s nothing better — or more relaxing — than falling asleep to the sound of their purring. 

But there’s one thing about being a cat mom or dad that universally sucks: scooping and cleaning the cat litter box. This tedious, repetitive, gross, and smelly task takes up way more time than we want it to. And if you get lazy, even for a moment — say after a long, bad day at the office — your cat thanks you in the morning with a gross turd in the tub. (Great, now you’ve got two stinky messes to  clean up — definitely not worth it).  Read more…

More about Cats, Pets, Mashable Shopping, Culture, and Animals