This mockumentary about bloggers at Fashun Week will destroy you


What is more glorious than Australian Fashun Week? All those bloggers, Insta-stars and fashun types joining forces for a celebration of outfits made out of wallpaper, vegemite eyeshadow and inappropriately small dogs. 

SEE ALSO: Let a stranger pick your next profile pic, seriously

Two Australian video creators, Vita Carbone and Carbone, have captured the hilarity that’s on show when the C-listers descend on the annual Australian Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Sydney. The duo have released a video portraying the tough life of Delilah, a satirical fashion blogger whose motto in life is: if you don’t have 10K followers, you ain’t worth the time.  Read more…

More about Australia, Fashion Week, Blogger, and Watercooler

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