Someone registered the domain for that Bitcoin address from the big Twitter hack

Someone registered the domain for that Bitcoin address from the big Twitter hack

Were you frantically searching the Bitcoin address that was being used to scam Twitter users on Wednesday? You know, the one that all those hacked verified accounts — from Barack Obama to Elon Musk — were tweeting out?

bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh. That one.

Well, while you were following along to see who would be the next big, verified Twitter user to get their account compromised, one person went to a domain registrar and registered the nice, simple, catchy domain name:

Not only did they register the domain, they built a quick website, too. Don’t worry, though. It’s not part of the scam to get followers of dozens of verified Twitter users to send the hacker(s) Bitcoin. You can go to the address and see for yourself: It’s a PSA warning visitors not to fall for the fraud. Read more…

More about Twitter, Bitcoin, Hack, Tech, and Cybersecurity

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