Sen. Chuck Schumer wants to take away our precious, precious snortable chocolate


Every once in a while, a product comes along that is so insanely disgusting, we have no choice but to defend it to the death.

Take Coko Loco, otherwise known as snortable chocolate. 

On Saturday, Whinin’ Chuck Schumer, who also happens to be a Senator from New York, asked the FDA to step in and regulate the product on the grounds that children probably shouldn’t have access to “over-the-counter stimulants.”

Whatever, Dad.

SEE ALSO: The ‘Donutella Versace’ is a monstrosity of a donut covered in gold flakes

Seems like “Narcs” in US government are concerned about potentially damaging ingredients in Legal Lean Co.’s Coko Loco, which reportedly includes a powerful energy drink combination of gingko biloba, taurine and guarana in addition to “raw cacao snuff.” Read more…

More about Watercooler, Chocolate, Caffeine, Chuck Schumer, and Culture

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