Sean Spicer says reporters ask ‘snarky’ questions because they want to become ‘YouTube stars’


White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s obvious disdain for the media seems to have reached a new level.

In an interview with Lifezette publisher Laura Ingraham, Spicer accused the White House press corps of asking “snarky” questions in order to become famous on YouTube, because that is obviously the dream of any reporter. 

SEE ALSO: If Sean Spicer leaves, who will ignore Stephen Colbert’s questions?

“There’s a lot of them that want to become YouTube stars and ask some snarky question that’s already been asked eight times,” Spicer said of reporters. “There’s a bit of snarkiness now with the press, because, again, a lot of them are more focused about getting their clip on air than they are of actually taking the time to understand an issue.” Read more…

More about Youtube, Politics, White House, Trump, and Politics And Government

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