Remember that wedding dress made from Taco Bell wrappers? They took a flamethrower to it.


You can either lose gracefully, or lose with a flamethrower. 

Taco Bell, the romantic “Mexican” fast food chain, held a contest this spring looking for hungry couples that were willing and eager to be married in the “restaurant’s” new Las Vegas chapel. 

One of those contestants, Diane Nguyen, gained some steam with her entry due to the beautiful construction of a delicate wedding dress crafted from nothing but Taco Bell burrito wrappers. 

Ya know, this one: 

Day #2 for voting is upon us!! Here is a better look at the #wrapperdress for the #loveandtacoscontest! Spread the word! Like, share, tweet, reddit, tattoo a link on your forehead…Let’s win it together!! 🙂 (Link also in bio)

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More about Watercooler, Taco Bell, Wedding, Wedding Dress, and Fire

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