It wouldn’t be graduation season without a couple of failed back flips


You’ve got your diploma, you’ve shaken all the hands that need to be shook, you’ve graduated …now what?

It’s become tradition among some teens, after receiving their high school diploma, to do a front or back flip in front of friends, family, classmates, and teachers. Sure, why not.

SEE ALSO: Extremely normal shirt gets an honor roll student banned from graduation

But what happens if that flip is a total fail? Well, that’s the risk you’ll have to take, trying to look super cool during your first minute as a graduate. And when that flip turns out to be a disaster, your friends will be there to film it and we’ll be here to make fun of it. Read more…

More about Watercooler, Fail, Flip, Graduation 2017, and Watercooler

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