I have drawn the Trump administration as Sonic the Hedgehog and I am ready to answer for it


The primary duty of a journalist is to speak truth to power — to lift “the veil” and expose the true nature of the people who control different aspects of our everyday lives.

As America struggles with massive political change in 2017, that role is especially important. And that is why I have chosen to draw the Trump administration as Sonic the Hedgehog.

SEE ALSO: 5 pages from ‘The Art of the Deal’ that explain exactly what Trump’s doing

Is this “risky” satire? Certainly. Am I putting my own career in jeopardy by exposing the current administration in this way? Absolutely. In using my very specific set of skills (ruthless intelligence and the ability to draw Sonic in dozens of positions) to mock those in power, am I gambling on my own future? You bet. Read more…

More about Watercooler, Politics, Humor, Trump Administration, and Sonic The Hedgehog

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