I desperately tried to make friends with Jake Gyllenhaal at Cannes


There are many different kinds of love.

There’s the love a man has for his partner. The love a mother has for her child. There’s the love two friends have for each other, or even the love a child has for a waggy-tailed golden retriever.

Then there’s the love I have for Jake Gyllenhaal. I guess the best way I can describe this love is a kind of respect/admiration mixed with a burning desire for us to be best friends, like the way you longed to be best friends with one of the bigger, more popular kids when you were in school. I think it started back around the time I watched Donnie Darko and fully blossomed with my first viewing of Brokeback Mountain. Nowadays, it gets topped up whenever he has a new film out. Read more…

More about Cannes, Jake Gyllenhaal, Cannes Film Festival, Okja, and Watercooler

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