Has Elon Musk finally … cracked?


Hey Elon? Buddy? Is everything OK?

I know things have been pretty hectic lately, what with Model 3 production in high gear, all that talk of Mars, and the throes of young love making the world seem so fresh and new, but you’re the CEO of three companies. 

You’ve got to keep it together.  

SEE ALSO: Help, we’re worried about Elon Musk’s Instagram

Can we talk about your tweets for a minute? That seems like a good place to start.

Rightly, or wrongly, people hang on to each and every character you type. And sure, your Twitter account is a mix of business announcements, personal insights, and jokes. It’s great! Really! You could not have a bigger fan than me. We’re buddies, remember? We covered that already.  Read more…

More about Twitter, Tesla, Elon Musk, and Tech

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