A rich story about a stolen Nova Scotia wheelbarrow, told in 2 pictures


Canadians are notorious for being kind, polite people — maybe even a little too kind.

If you want to understand Canada’s collective polite disposition in two photos, Twitter user Anna Scott has posted some photos taken by Andrew Killawee in Nova Scotia that pretty much sum it up.

It is the tale of a stolen wheelbarrow and its triumphant return. 

Well, here’s rural Nova Scotia in two pictures, taken a day apart. Photos by Andrew Killawee pic.twitter.com/BkjBB6qyZf

— ?Anna Scott? (@annascottpiano) August 1, 2017

Not only did the homeowner passively ask whoever stole their wheelbarrow to please return it with the politest, most non-confrontational sign, but then they actually thanked the thief for returning it. Oh, and the thief actually did returned it, probably after feeling guilted into it by this nice sign.  Read more…

More about Watercooler, Canada, Signs, Nova Scotia, and Kind

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