6 weird facts about the dude who connected Trump Jr. with the Russians


Donald Trump Jr. found himself in a potentially bottomless pool of shit on Tuesday after he published a series of emails (obtained beforehand by The New York Times) that show he sought to collude with a Russian government effort to help his dad win the White House, and yet the president’s son is far from the most interesting character at the center of this story. 

That title belongs to Rob Goldstone, someone who’s known the Trump family for years.

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Goldstone set up a meeting at New York City’s Trump Tower on June 9 between a Russian lawyer and members of the Trump campaign, including Trump Jr., in what now should go down as the event that proved the Trump team sought to collude with Moscow. Goldstone is not a figure known to too many people before Tuesday, but if anything has become clear about him in the past day or so, it’s that he is … eclectic.  Read more…

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